Nina Catches the Bus

Exactly five munites later the school bus pulled down the row of identical gray houses, stopping a few times to collect children like Nina on their way to their mandated State Education course. Stepping on to the bus she flashed her identification card to the reader and took her assigned seat next to Ivan. Ivan’s dad, like Nina’s, worked as a mechanic on factory machines throughout the factoryside near where their LivingUnit was located.

As Nina was the last child to be collected, the screen fixed to the front of the bus lit up with the daily announcements. In unison, the students chimed,

“Спасибо, Товарищ Путин, за наше с-частливое детство!”.

The gray bullet of a bus veered onto a large expansive highway amidst lines of un-manned racing vehicles, being pulled along their pre-destined daily routes. The screen flashed pictures of the museum, “Your objective is to explore the great halls of the museum and learn about the creation of великая система as a part of our history unit,” the computerized voice of their teacher explained. After the briefing, the students pulled out their tablets for the remainder of the trip and fiddled with various assignments. Their fingers hovering over projected keyboards and their faces illuminated from the glow of three-dimensional figures created by the screens. Pulling up to the large monolithic building that was the museum, the students filled from the bus to the marble entrance.

Nina Explores the Museum